TFC Secondary Sliding Sheave Forged Assembly (Vino, Zuma 125)
Description: TFC Secondary Sliding Sheave Forged Assembly for Yamaha Vino, Yamaha Zuma 125/150cc 4-stroke engine scooters. This adjustable secondary slider plus sliding sheave from TFC will give you quicker takeoff and higher top speed with its light forged aluminum rear pully plates and two different linear options mean you can give more emphasis to acceleration without the extra rear pulley weight.
NOTE: Recommend using a new belt with this kit. Belt and the belt drive-facing plates KEEP DRY. All, other areas apply moly-graphite grease when assembling. Example, lubricate slider grooves, slider pins, ball bearing seat, and inner funnel area with heat-resistant moly-graphite grease.
Installation: 1. Slack the belt by opening the CVT clutch gives belt slack to the variator side. 2. Then install the variator drive face while lifting the slack belt further away from the center boss if done properly should not see any splines between variator drive face slop-side and boss flat-side. Should be flushed together. 3. Then install the existing variator fan, washer, and hand-tight nut. 4. Finally, apply blue Loctite, torque nut to 30-35ft-lbs. For reassurance please consult your manufacturer's variator torque specs.
Includes the following Secondary slider (torque driver), Sliding sheave, Spring seat, O-rings, and Clutch nut.
• 1x Forged Alumin Rear Pulley Plate OD: 139mm / Shaft ID: 17<23mm / OD: 40.98mm / H: 84.46mm
• 1x Forged Alumin Secondary Slider Plate OD: 139mm / Funnel ID: 41mm / OD: 46.48mm / H: 44mm
• 1x Metal Secondary Spring Seat/Funnel ID: 46.5mm / OD: 51.69mm / H: 37.4mm
• 3x Steel Secondary Slider Guides ID: mm / OD: mm / L: mm
• 3x Steel Secondary Slider Pins OD: mm / H: mm
• 1x Stainless Steel Clutch Nut:
• 2x Rubber O-rings (pre-installed)
• Made in Taiwan
• Fit Clutch: 115.84mm / Bearing Funnel: 42mm / Nut: M28 / Socket: 19mm, 46mm / Bell Spline: 16
• Fit Belt Size: 759-22-30 (Vino)
• Fit Belt Size: 790.5-21.9, 810-22-28 (Zuma)
• Fit Clutch Springs: 1k, 1.5k, 2k rpm
• Fit Compression Spring: 1k, 1.5k, 2k rpm
• Fit BWS 125
• Fit Vino 125
• Fit Zuma 125
Supported Models: NCY CVT KIT (Part# 1200-1047); Asia/European model Cygnus 125, Yamaha BW's 125, Yamaha Cygnus 125, Yamaha GTR 125, Yamaha Vino 125, Yamaha Zuma 125
Item Weight & Product Dimensions:
• 1.887 pounds | 5.472" (OD) x 0.666" (ID) x 3.325" (H)
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